Hugh Jackman Workout

Hugh Jackman Workout
Hugh Jackman Workout Plan

Star of X-Men and Australia, Hugh Jackman has generated a body like a brick and the next superhero movie “Wolverine” is

planning to show him at his best physique. So what exactly is this Aussie doing which has his training program so highly requested

by other celebrities?

Hugh Jackman Workout - Hugh’s workouts contained a multi-phase approach.

1st phase was focused on building mass by changing the rate of each lift, 3 sec count up and then a 1 sec count down or

really slow 4 sec total and 4 count down.

2nd phase focused on strength by lifting really big names, without the sec count.

Each phase lasted from six to 12 weeks, for 1-2hrs, 5 days a week.

When it is near shooting time, he lifts weights One day and fills another days with running, yoga, pilates, and

stretching. For the full workout check out below…

P.S. I've updated Hugh’s workout for his new role in order to check that out visit Hugh Jackman Workout.

Hugh Jackman Workout Day 1

* Dumbbell Chest Press (Swiss ball and dumbbells required): While holding a couple of dumbbells, get into a table-top

position with chest up and back to the floor, and with head using a Swiss ball and knees bent (imagine doing bench

presses without the bench but using your core muscles and feet to stabilize your weight distribution).Keep hips up and

neck pulled down and back together. Perform 12 reps (choose a weight so the 12th rep is tough); 3 seconds up and

3 seconds down.

* Push-ups: Do just after chest press. Keep head good spine and support lower back by pulling belly

button to the spine. Can be done from knees or toes. Perform 25 reps (take a rest if you have to, but finish 25).

Rest 1 minute and repeat Dumbbell Press and Push-ups for 3 sets.

* Lat Pull Downs (modular lat pulldown machine required): With palms facing from the body, grip hands on the bend

of the bar. Pull bar down below chin, keeping neck pulled down and together. Perform 12 reps; 3 seconds down

and three seconds up.

* External Shoulder Rotations (tubing required): Do soon after Lat Pull Downs . Use tubing with palms facing up

and elbows in tight to body. Extend band, holding elbows at 90 degrees, thumbs outward. Perform 20 reps; 2 seconds

out and two seconds back. Rest 1 minute and repeat Lat Pulls and External Shoulder Rotations for 3 sets.

* Cable Side Raise (adjustable cable pulley machine required): Grip a cable in front of the body with one arm, having a

slight bend inside the elbow. Hold posture, keep shoulder blades down and back. Perform 12 reps; 3 seconds down and 3

seconds up. Do other arm immediately.

* Straight Bar Curl (free-standing bar required): Grab bar shoulder-width apart and curl, holding a soft knee bend and

without arching back. Perform 12 reps; 3 seconds up and 3 seconds down.

* Close Grip Bar Push-up (free-standing bar and squat rack required): Do just after Straight Bar Curl. Inside a squat

rack, setup bar at waist height. Perform a push-up with elbows in tight. Do 12 reps; 5 seconds down and 5 seconds up.

Rest 1 minute. Repeat Straight Bar Curls and Close Grip Bar Push-ups for 3 sets.

Build Muscle Mass Quickly:

BSN Cellmass

Hugh Jackman Workout Day 2

* Leg Squat: Slowly lower the body on one leg, bringing the hips back so the front knee doesn't go beyond the toes and

squat until upper thigh is parallel down. Perform 12 reps on both legs; 3 seconds up and three seconds down. Rest 1

minute and repeat for 3 sets.

* Balance Board Lunge (extreme or round board is needed): Place one foot devoted to balance board, back foot on toes

behind in a lunge. Slowly bend both front and back knees into a lunge until front thigh is parallel down.

Perform 12 reps on both legs; 4 seconds down and 4 seconds up.

* Split Leg Box Jump (do just after balance lunge): Plant one foot on top of a box/bench that holds the front

knee at 90 degrees. With weight mainly on the top leg, jump and switch legs. Do 30 jumps. Rest One minute. Repeat Balance

Board Lunge and Split Leg Box Jumps - 3 sets.

* Jack Knife: Come from a push-up position with toes along with a Swiss ball. Raise hips up slightly and draw the belly-

button in to the spine. Pull knees up towards chest. Perform 20 reps; 2 seconds in and 2 seconds out.

* Swiss Ball Crunch (do soon after jack knife): Lie along with ball with low back supported; pull in waist line

to spine. Perform crunch, exhaling while you come up without allowing stomach to “pop up.” Perform 20 reps; 2 seconds up

and 2 seconds down. Rest 1 min and repeat Jack Knife and Crunch 3 sets.

Hugh Jackman Workout Day 3

Do 3 groups of the following exercises without rest in between.

* Walking Lunges: Hold dumbbells at sides. Step through front heel and convey back knee towards floor. Do 30 steps.

* Push-ups: Do 100.

* Swiss Ball Crunch: Do 50.

* Sprint: Outside or on treadmill, sprint One minute at 80 per cent intensity.

* Inch Worms : Inside a push-up position, take tiny steps therefore the feet come for the hands. Keep walking before you feel a

gentle stretch from the hamstrings. Do this 30 times.

* Lat Pull Downs : Do 50.

* Stairs: Take every the second step. Perform 20 reps (along is 1).

Recommended Supplements for your Hugh Jackman Workout:

 Creatine for volumizing and strength gains (BSN CellMass)

 Glutamine for immunity and muscle recovery (Scivation Xtend)

 Whey protein for muscle tissues development (Combat Powder)

 Super Multi-Vitamin for males: Universal Animal Pak

Conclusion of Hugh Jackman Workout:

It is key to have plenty of protein (try supplementing with whey protein), and 4-5 servings of vegetables and fruit

daily. Because of the intense remember warm up adequately before beginning and get in lots of flexibility training

after your workouts.

Hugh Jackman Workout